Amplify ELA: Summer of the Mariposas

Amplify ELA creates interactive core curriculum that inspires students to read more deeply, write more vividly, and think more critically. I collaborated with curriculum creators and editors, to create all the illustrations for this Reading the Novel unit. 

Scope: Concept Art, Illustration

Client: Amplify ELA

Additional Credits: Tory Novikova (Art Director)

thumb - Summer of the Mariposas 2.png

This unit was built around Summer of the Mariposas, a young-adult fiction novel by Guadalupe Garcia McCall. It follows the journey of 5 sisters who cross the border into Mexico, in search of their father.

What ensues is a series of adventures that straddle the border between magic and reality.

Illustration Projects:


M.C. Higgins, the Great


Amplify ELA: Narrative Writing